Thank you for joining us for our Summer Tardeada at El Borrego!

We had an amazing time on Thursday, June 22nd at our Summer Tardeada hosted in partnership with El Borrego Restaurant in City Heights.

Huge thank you to El Borrego owners, Rodnia and Rosario, along with their incredible staff, for being gracious and inviting hosts, you truly went above and beyond. We loved meeting new folks and hanging with old friends, and playing a few rounds of Lotería! Much gratitude for all that joined us and brought positive energy and love to the space, we are thrilled to be in community with you. 

The Alliance is looking forward to hosting more social hours with the seasons. These casual events give us all time and space to do what fills our souls: connect, reflect, visit San Diego County neighborhoods, and support our region’s small food businesses. The possibilities are endless when we get together.

If you missed this event, don’t worry—we’re already planning the next one! Keep an eye out for announcements from us on our website and by following us on social media.

Interested in hosting your next event at El Borrego? Reach out to Rodnia for more information. 

Rachel Oporto