SB 1383 Overview for Hunger Relief Nonprofits

As part of an effort to reduce methane emissions, SB 1383 is a state law that establishes targets to reduce organic waste disposal by 50% by 2020 and 75% by 2025, and to increase edible food recovery by 20% by 2025.

Cities and counties are required to implement a variety of programs to advance these goals. The California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) will enforce upon cities and penalize for non-compliance.

Certain businesses that generate food (Tier One and Two businesses) will be required to start donating the maximum amount of surplus edible food fit for human consumption.

Food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, and other hunger relief organization that receive donated food from these businesses may be affected by SB 1383.

This document provides an overview of changes that hunger relief nonprofit organizations should anticipate and prepare for.