Reclaiming Duty of Care | Receiving the Kaleidoscope Award for Good Governance

The Alliance is thrilled and honored to be the recipient of the Kaleidoscope Award for Good Governance, presented by The Nonprofit Institute at the 20th Annual Nonprofit Governance Symposium, which took place on January 19, 2024.

The mission of the USD Kaleidoscope Award for Good Governance is to recognize, celebrate and promote good governance in the San Diego region's nonprofit sector.

At the award ceremony, we showed this video—a snapshot of the journey our team has been on to transform our systems and ourselves.

Caring for each other is our duty, just as much as executing our programs, carrying out our mission, and making a measurable impact are. They are, in fact, completely intertwined. Over the last year, our Staff and Board have truly committed to this—democratizing our leadership, learning and unlearning ways of working together, documenting and reflecting on how we make decisions.

Stepping into this accountability has been liberating 💙 As participants in a movement to dismantle power structures that keep us all in a cycle of extraction and oppression, the Alliance recognizes that we must learn to model the relational, collective governance that we wish to see in the world.

Thank you to the University of San Diego for honoring this special journey today. We're also immensely grateful to our friends at Harmonize Consulting for their guidance, and to our team for doing the work!

Margaret Chiu